Sunday, October 11, 2009

cornwall & wales trip day 1

day 1. tintagel castle in cornwell.

tintagel castle is pretty much the most gorgeous place in the world. the greenest grass, the bluest ocean, and what's left of a medieval castle. we went there because it's where king arthur was supposedly born, which is why the castle was built there in the 13th century.
it was a six hour drive to cornwell, which is on the southwestern tip of the country. we crawled out of the bus and emerged into this paradise...then we drove to land's end youth hostel (in the middle of nowhere), wandered around cornfields and wet plains, and met steve, who has been walking around the country since july. literally, he's a guy in his 60s who's been walking 6 days a week on a journey from the northeast corner of the country to the southwest, so we met him at the hostel on his last night.
the town around the castle reminded me of salem, in that its entire culture revolves around the historical event for which it is known. everywhere we walked, it was either king arthur's cafe or merlin's book shop or king arthur's car park.
that night we all sat outside on picnic tables to look at the stars. i haven't seen that many stars since....i don't know when, but it was absolutely beautiful. the sky was so dark and the stars were so bright.
i'm not a huge fan of taking pictures of buildings and landscapes, but everything was just so beautiful i couldn't help myself.

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