day 2. south kensington.holgrove.tour of bloomsbury.bus tour of london.highlights tour of british museum.british library.pubbing.
london. the days seem very long and i'm having trouble adjusting to the idea of being spatially distant from home, coinciding where i am physically with where i am mentally, since flying seems like magic. it's getting easier each day.
the british library is my favorite thing. i saw the magna carta, old shakespeare folios, and jane austen's actual handwriting!!! it was so beautiful...and we write our d's the same way, with a lil wing on top. soon i will go see her house and her lil tiny writing table.
a lil homesick...especially for max. saying goodbye to him was sadness of the worst (and best) sort. i would feel better if i had internet on my computer and could check mail a lot, it's not working so now i'm in the ch
my tinyass room in chelsea. hugh grant lives down the street, and his house is guarded by two guys twenty-four hours a day.
a lil used book store in bloomsbury.
'this is a picadilly line train to...cockfosters. please mind the gap between the train and the platform'
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